Apéndice C. Nota de Baines


 As originally submitted

(BL Harley MS.6848 ff.185-6)

A note Containing the opinion of one Christopher 
Marly Concerning his Damnable Judgment of Religion, and scorn of gods word.

–That the Indians and many Authors of antiquity haue 
assuredly writen aboue 16 thousand yeares agone wher as Adam is proued to haue lived within 6 thowsand yeares.

­–He affirmeth that Moyses was but a Jugler, & that one Heriots being Sir W Raleighs man can do more then he.

­–That Moyses made the Jewes to travell xl yeares in the wildernes, (which Jorney might haue bin Done in lesse then one yeare) ere they Came to the promised land, to thin tent that those who were privy to most of his subtilties might perish and so an everlasting superstition Remain in the harts 
of the people.

–That the first beginning of Religioun was only to keep men in awe.

–That it was an easy matter for Moyses being brought vp in all the artes of the Egiptians to abuse the Jewes being 
a rude & grosse people.

–That Christ was a bastard and his mother dishonest.

–That he was the sonne of a Carpenter, and that if the Jewes among whome he was borne did Crucify him theie best knew him and whence he Came.

–That Crist deserved better to Dy then Barrabas and that the Jewes made a good Choise, though Barrabas 
were both a thief and murtherer.

–That if there be any god or any good Religion, then it is in the papistes because the service of god is performed 
with more Cerimonies, as Elevation of the mass, organs, singing men, Shaven Crownes & cetera. That all protestants 
are Hypocriticall asses.

–That if he were put to write a new Religion, he would vndertake both a more Exellent and Admirable methode 
and that all the new testament is filthily written.

–That the woman of Samaria & her sister were whores & that Christ knew them dishonestly.

–That St John the Evangelist was bedfellow to Christ and leaned alwaies in his bosome, that he vsed him 
as the sinners of Sodoma.

–That all they that loue not Tobacco & Boies were fooles.

–That all the apostles were fishermen and base fellowes neyther of wit nor worth, that Paull only had wit but he was a timerous fellow in bidding men to be subiect to magistrates against his Conscience.

–That he had as good Right to Coine as the Queene of England, and that he was acquainted with one poole a prisoner in newgate who hath greate Skill in mixture of mettals and hauing learned some things of him he ment through help of a Cunninge stamp maker to Coin French Crownes pistolets and English shillinges.

–That if Christ would haue instituted the sacrament 
with more Ceremoniall Reverence it would haue bin had in more admiration, that it would haue bin much better being administred in a Tobacco pipe.

–That the Angell Gabriell was Baud to the holy ghost, because he brought the salutation to Mary.

–That one Ric Cholmley hath Confessed that he was persuaded by Marloe’s Reasons to become an Atheist.

These thinges, with many other shall by good & honest witnes be aproved to be his opinions and 
Comon Speeches, and that this Marlow doth not only hould them himself, but almost into every Company he Cometh he perswades men to Atheism willing them not to be afeard of bugbeares and hobgoblins, and vtterly scorning both god and his ministers as I Richard Baines will Justify & approue both by mine oth and the testimony 
of many honest men, and almost al men with whome he hath Conversed any time will testify the same, and as I think all men in Cristianity ought to indevor that the mouth of so dangerous a member may be stopped, he saith likewise that he hath quoted a number of Contrarieties oute of the Scripture which he hath giuen to some great men who in Convenient time shalbe named. When these thinges shalbe Called in question the witnes shalbe produced.

Richard Bames

Un comentario en “Apéndice C. Nota de Baines”

  1. Gracias a Internet la Teoría Marlowe va a quedar dentro del acervo de Shakespeare y no como una propuesta conspiranoica que intenta reinterpretar una obra obra impresa descuidadamente o un autor que quiso vivir discretamente. ¿Y qué hay más shakespeariano que la propuesta Marlowe?,¿fue también Marlowe un paranoico del peligro que corría con esta terrible nota de Baines que no quiso dejar ni un testamento,ni un solo rastro reclamando su obra y que era mérito suyo en toda su vida o nadie que se atreviera a publicarla?. La nota Baines es de una contundencia que no invita a confiar en las autoridades que debieron leerla.

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